Catherine de Melun (dame de St. Maurié-sur-Laveron)


Personal and Family Information

Catherine was born about 1325, the daughter of Jean I de Melun and Isabelle Catherine de Brimeu. The place is not known.

She died in 1367. The place is not known.

Her husband was Jean III d'Auxy. They were married, but the date and place have not been found. Their three known children were David (?-1415), Marie (c1340-?) and Isabelle (?-?).

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Catherine de Melun


Jean I de Melun


Adam IV de Melun


Adam III de Melun


Comtesse de Sancerre


Jeanne de Sully


Henri II de Sully


Pétronille de Joigny


Isabelle Catherine de Brimeu


Aléaume de Brimeux


Eustache II de Brimeux


Marie Thérèse de Milly


Isabelle d’Airaines



Birth ABT 1325
Death 1367


Nobility Title dame de St. Maurié-sur-Laveron