Magnus Gottskalksson Ulv


Personal and Family Information

Magnus was the son of Gottskalk Bengtsson Ulv and Ingeborg Johansdotter Moltke. The date and place of his birth have not been found.

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Magnus Gottskalksson Ulv


Gottskalk Bengtsson Ulv


Bengt Filipsson Ulv


Filip Ulfsson Ulv


Botzlana Gotskalksdotter van Kyren


Cecilia Ulfsdotter Lejon (Ulvåsa-ätten)


Ulf Gudmarsson Ulvåsaätten


saint Birgitta Birgersdotter Finstaätten


Ingeborg Johansdotter Moltke


Johan Henneke Moltke


Henrik Moltke


Katarina Kettilsdotter Glysing


Kettil Henriksson Glysing


Ingeborg Eriksdotter Bielke
