Io Alexandru Mușat (hospodar Mołdawii)

   Alexander the Good, Alexandru cel Bun, Io Alexandru Mushati


Personal and Family Information

Io was the son of Io I Roman Mușat but his mother is unknown. The date and place of his birth have not been found.

He died in 1430/31. The place is not known.

He had five marriages/partners. His first wife was Margit Bánffy de Alsólendva, who he married in BET 1394 AND 1400. The place has not been found. Their two known children were Roman (?-c1432) and Alexandru (?-c1432).

His second partner is not knownThey were never married. Their two known children were Io II Stefan (?-1447) and Io III Petru (?-1469).

His third wife was Anna Neacşa, who he married in ABT 1405. The place has not been found. Their only known child was Io Iliaș (1409-1448).

His fourth wife was Rymgajla, who he married in 1419. The place has not been found. They had no known children.

His fifth wife was Marina. They were married, but the date and place have not been found. Their three known children were Vasilissa (?->1447), Io II Petru (?-1449) and Chiajna (?->1479).

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Io Alexandru Mușat


Io I Roman Mușat


Costea Mușat



Death 1430/31


Nobility Title FROM FEB 1400 TO JAN 1432 hospodar Mołdawii