Alexander von Zinzendorf und Pottendorf


Personal and Family Information

Alexander was born on 09 JAN 1541, the son of Johann IV von Zinzendorf and Susanna von Embs. The place is not known.

He died in 1577 in Corse.

His wife was Susanna Volkrah. They were married, but the date and place have not been found. Their only known child was Johann Joachim (1570-1626).

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Alexander von Zinzendorf und Pottendorf


Johann IV von Zinzendorf


Christof VI von Zinzendorf


Georg III von Zinzendorf


Hedwig von Toppel


Sofia Hundt von Pottendorf


Friedrich Hundt von Pottendorf


Susanna von Embs



Birth 9 JAN 1541
Death 1577
Place: Corse
Cause: plague