Ermentrude de Flandre


Personal and Family Information

Ermentrude was the daughter of Baudouin II de Flandre and Ælfthryth d'Angleterre. The date and place of her birth have not been found.

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Ermentrude de Flandre


Baudouin II de Flandre


Baudouin I de Flandres


Audacer III de Bouillon


Anséline de Flandres


Judith Martel


Charles II de France


Ermentrude d'Orléans


Ælfthryth d'Angleterre


Ælfred of Wessex




Osburh of Wight


Ealswith or Alswitha de Gainsborough


Æthelred Mucil