Beli was the son of Manogan ap Eineid but his mother is unknown. The date and place of his birth have not been found.
His wife was Don Anna verch Mathonwy. They were married, but the date and place have not been found. Their two known children were Lludd or Lud Eirint (?-0062BC) and Casswallan or Casivellaunos (?-?).
Attribute | Date | Description | Details | Source | Multimedia | Notes |
Nobility Title | Lord of the Celts |
Note 1
Beli Mawr (the Great) can be identified with the Celtic God, Belenos. However, in his mortal form, Beli was said to have been the husband of Anna, the daughter of St.Joseph of Arimathea.
Note 2
Beli Mawr, called Belenos by the Romans, was the Celtic God of the Sun, representing the curative powers of the Suns heat. His festival of Beltane, when bonfires were lit to welcome in the Summer and encourage the Suns warmth, was held on May 1st, and is remembered in today's May Day festivities.