Tao II Seqenenre (king of Egypt)


Personal and Family Information

Tao was the son of Sekhemre-Wahkhau Rahotep and Tetisheri. The date and place of his birth have not been found.

He had two marriages/partners. His first wife was Ahmose-Hettimehu. They were married, but the date and place have not been found. Their only known child was Ahmose-Hettimehu (?-?).

His second wife was Ahhotep II. They were married, but the date and place have not been found. Their four known children were Ahmose I Nebpehtyre (?-?), Ahmose-Nefertari (?-?), Ahmes Sapaiir (?-?) and Ahmose-Hentempet (?-?).

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Tao II Seqenenre


Sekhemre-Wahkhau Rahotep


Inyotef V Nubkheperre


Sobekemsaf Sekhemre-Shedtawi




Se Bekemsaf


Horhorkhuwaytef of Egypt


Se Beknakht




Tjenna of Egypt


Neferu of Egypt



Nobility Title FROM 1591 B.C. TO 1576 B.C. king of Egypt


  1. de Marle Ancestors back to India
    Source: de Marle Ancestors back to India