Meinhard von Görz (III graf von Görz, I graf von Görz zu Tirol, herzog von Kärnten)


Personal and Family Information

Meinhard was born before 17 JAN 1194, the son of unknown parents. The place is not known.

He died in BET 20 JAN 1258 AND 22 JUL 1258. The place is not known.

His wife was Adelheid von Tirol-Görz. They were married, but the date and place have not been found. Their only known child was Albrecht I (IV) (1252-1304).


Birth BEF 17 JAN 1194
Death BET 20 JAN 1258 AND 22 JUL 1258


Nobility Title III graf von Görz
Nobility Title FROM 1253 TO 1258 I graf von Görz zu Tirol
Nobility Title herzog von Kärnten
