Sâsan of Pars (prêtre du temple d'Anahîta près de l'antique Persépolis)



Personal and Family Information

Sâsan was the son of unknown parents. The date and place of his birth have not been found.

His wife was Dênak of Persis. They were married, but the date and place have not been found. Their only known child was Pâpak (c0140-0212).


Nobility Title prêtre du temple d'Anahîta près de l'antique Persépolis


Note 1

descended from the line of King Darab [Darayavaush or Darius III], son of Darae

Note 2

fondateur éponyme de la dynsatie Sassanide à la fin du IIe siècle

Note 3

Fils de Bahmam fils d'Isfendiyadh selon Tabari


  1. Wikipédia Français
    Source: Wikipédia Français